John Wycliffe and Ulrich Zwingli
- John Wycliffe: Patriot and Reformer: “The Morning Star of the Reformation”
2021 printing
John Laird Wilson,
247pp., pb.,
16.50 + P&H.
ISBN 158840-678-4
- The Mountain Boy of Wildhaus: A Life of Ulric Zwingli
(1884; 1900 ed.)
2015 printing
Rev. David van Horne, D.D.,
16.50 + P&H.
ISBN 158840-470-6
Zwingli was a leader of the Swiss Reformation;
- Ulrich Zwingli: The Patriotic Reformer: A History
2018 printing
Rev. W. M. Blackburn,
324pp., pb.,
22.00 + P&H.
ISBN 158840-588-5
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