Please, Order Direct from Publisher and do not support Antichrist

[Note also, I will try to upload other titles from day to day, so scroll through the several home pages.]

Please order direct from Publisher and don’t give in to convenience and order from multi-billion dollar antichrist, antichristian, and anti-American corporations that take the lion’s share of all profit and then use their money to help undermine and destroy Christendom. 

We shall one day be held to give account of every deed and even idle word committed in the Bible. 

Please, don’t support those who hate and blaspheme Christ and glorify every form of evil and perversion.

The authors / publishers have invested their lives in producing and yet live like starving, unknown artists.  Support the authors / publishers and order direct. 

Email proposed order and you will be given a total. 

Also, if you like what you see and read at this site, if you are of like mind... PLEASE tell everyone you know who is of like mind, and post links wherever you can, in email forwards, at your site, etc.


Thank you.