Contact & Order Information
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Ancient Heritage Foundation
P.O. Box 18
Mountain City, Tennessee 37683
Christian Constitutional Republic of the United States of America
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(1) ancient
(2) heritage
(3) foundation
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Title the email subject, "Query from AHF website" so I see it clearly in case your first email goes to my spam folder. NOTE: If you do email, check your spam folder in case my first email goes to your spam folder.
To order, simply copy and paste the titles that you want into an email and email me; and give me your shipping address; and I will reply with a total and you can mail a check or POSTAL Money Order to the above address; or possibly I can find an online payment system if enough people are interested. I had the main online payment system and around 2018 they simply cancelled me for no reason other than a generic lie “policy violations” at the same time that they cancelled hundreds of other conservative Christian groups, for being opposed to perversion and immorality. This amounts to economic terrorism if God’s people are too lazy and apathetic to order in the traditional way that people ordered things for 100 years... by putting a check in the mail.
If there was a restaurant in your town, and the owners murdered your parents and your siblings and your grandparents and your wife and children, would you eat at that restaurant...? Why then do you support organizations, companies, businesses, services that hate God, hate Christ Jesus (and are responsible, according to Christ Jesus, for all the righteous blood shed on the Earth all the way back to Abel), hate our people, hate the U.S., and hate Christendom, and who are doing all that they can to destroy Christendom...?
Do you care about the Bible? Truth? Freedom? Civilization? Christendom? If you do, please tell everyone you know who cares about this website / ministry / resources.
Please don’t just “graze for free” in my pasture. God says not to even muzzle the ox that treadeth out the grain; and that ministers are worthy of honor; and God commands His people to tithe. I am not independently wealthy. I have not had a paying job in 32 years. I am faithful and preach whether anyone supports me or not. I put in 90+ hour weeks, have not had a vacation or day off in over 12 years, and do without most everything most everyone takes for granted on a daily basis. Some articles that I post here for free take me 20 and even 100 hours to write. Most people subscribe to periodicals, coffee of the month club, book of the month club, pay for meals they eat at a restaurant and even leave a tip! — yet think nothing of a true minister who gives all to preach “Prepare ye the way of the Lord and make the paths level” and “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is soon to come!” You will read deeper and Sound Doctrine here that you can read nowhere else... no compromise with humanism; no compromise with friend-of-the-world Babylonian doctrine. If you do not agree why are you here? If you are here, why are you not moved in your soul to order books, learn more, tell others, ask questions, support this ministry, or even say thanks? This website has been up for over 14 years and not a single person has ordered a book, sent a donation, asked a question, or even said thanks; and since the numbers of visitors does not grow, all that I can assume is that those who are not doing the work, won’t even obey God and point others in the right direction to this website.
Please order direct and support this site, the author, the publisher, and not anti-christ organizations, simply because they are “convenient” with carts, online payment, and one-click ordering. Such organizations also promote everything that is evil and destroying Christendom; and they keep the lion’s share of items offered, discriminate, censor, and use a percentage of all proceeds to help destroy Christendom even more.
Every secret thought and word and deed shall be called into Judgment.
“When you have done it / not done it unto the least of these My kinsmen, ye have done it / not done it unto Me.”
“I would have given you that cool cup of water and a slice of bread, Jesus, but I would have had to walk a whole block ... and there was something really good on t.v. ...!”
"To him that knoweth to do good and doeth it not, to him it is sin." (James 4:17)
All information at this site is copyrighted. If using any of the thought in sermons or writing, give proper credit; don’t pass the ideas off as your own. "Give honor to whom honor is due."