Hit by Hurricane Helene

It may be some time before I can upload anything new or print books I was preparing to print... was hit by Hurricane Helene... without power 13 days, without phone/internet 16 days... lots of cleanup and other work to do...

Scriptural Vignette Cameo Study #16 / Part 2 - Don’t Be Lyin’ or Fakin’ or You’ll Be Cryin’ & Achan & Maybe Fryin' -’ Joshua 7 - The Rest of Joshua Chapter 7

Joshua 7

2And Joshua sent men from Jericho to Ai, which is beside Bethaven, on the east side of Bethel, and spake unto them, saying, “Go up and view the country”. And the men went up and viewed Ai.

New Poster: The Brigades and Tribes of Israel Encamped around the Tabernacle

Poster: The Brigades and Tribes of Israel Encamped around the Tabernacle, glossy thick poster paper, 14" x 20", 14.00 + P&H.  The company that printed my posters went out of business.  The closest I could find is about 3x what my printing costs were; but I have only raised the price slightly to 14.00 (instead of 12.50).

“Language and Freedom”: Truth Matters — Pronouns Matter — Reality Matters — Morality Matters — GOD Matters!

“Language and Freedom”: Truth Matters — Pronouns Matter — Reality Matters — Morality Matters — GOD Matters!

[P&H for books mentioned herein is 10% (6.00 minimum P&H) within the U.S.]

Did Jesus — Does God Have Free Will?

“9And it came to pass in those days, that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee, and was baptized of John in Jordan. 10And straightway coming up out of the water, He [Jesus] saw the heavens opened, and the Spirit like a dove descending upon Him: 11And there came a Voice from heaven, saying, ‘Thou art My Beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased’. 12And immediately the Spirit driveth Him into the wilderness.” (Mark 1)


New Addition to the Carl Gustav Nieritz Library

For the first time translated into English, but improved into a better story. 


Apostate Christianity — How to Recognize It... and what to do about it [and those who find it of no interest are probably part of it]

If you cut through the foundational joists of your house and carve out large pieces that you don’t think are important, or that you don’t like, the building will eventually collapse. A trickle in a dam or dyke, if ignored, will grow larger as its integrity is eroded, until it one day bursts forth in destruction. One bad doctrine is like a rotting tooth: If you do not extract it, the rotting and infection will spread to all.

Gravity-fed Water Purifier for Planning ahead for Emergencies and Survival by Christian company

If anyone is looking for an emergency / survival water filter that is like Berkley, but better and less expensive, here is the site of a Patriotic Christian brother I have known for 32 years.  I have posted this link of my own initiative for a good product from a fellow Christian (not a Christian in name only, but one who lives as God instructed us to; not merely in theory, but in practice;

Hanging Doubts

A brief lesson in hypocrisy, and an apologetic defense of what those in ignorance think is a “contradiction” in Scripture; but it is not.


“Jesus said unto him, ‘Judas, betrayest thou the Son of man with a kiss?’” (Luke 22:48)