Newer books now in Print

- Difficulties (and Alleged Errors and Contradictions) in the Bible [—Examined and Re-Examined] (1907) Dr. R.A. Torry, originally 126 pages; it was small print, enlarged and expanded to 9x6, and 520 pages of complementary and corrective notes by R.A.B. and added Biblical illustrations, pb., 650pp., 32.50 + P&H.

Luther, Erasmus, Freedom, Doctrine, and the Wonder of It All

Martin Luther (1483-1546) and Erasmus of Rotterdam (1466-1536) are referred to as humanists, because they studied the "humanities" and were well educated thinkers; nothing like the humanists of today—who are secular (that is, "antichrist") humanists; who have made humanism itself into a religion that worships man.  The Dutchman Erasmus was a scholar of the highest type, but his faith appears to have been cold academia of the Scriptures, not the fiery faith of the German Luther, w

— Titles Now Available — (and others coming soon)

“I Cried, He Answered” — A Faithful Record of Remarkable Answers to Prayer (1918), compiled and edited by Henry W. Adams, Norman H. Camp, William Norton, and F.A. Steven, with an Introduction by Charles Gallaudet Trumbull; 128pp., original print was very small, so enlarged it 22% and made into 6x9 pb., 288pp., 14.50 + P&H. [READY]

Selections from the Latter Testimonies and Dying Words of Saints and Sinners: Being the Closing Expressions of Nearly Seventeen Hundred Persons, Believers and Unbelievers

Selections from the Latter Testimonies and Dying Words of Saints and Sinners: Being the Closing Expressions of Nearly Seventeen Hundred Persons, Believers and Unbelievers

(1898; 1900 edition)

compiled by Amos Haverstick Gottschall,