Newer books now in Print

- Difficulties (and Alleged Errors and Contradictions) in the Bible [—Examined and Re-Examined] (1907) Dr. R.A. Torry, originally 126 pages; it was small print, enlarged and expanded to 9x6, and 520 pages of complementary and corrective notes by R.A.B. and added Biblical illustrations, pb., 650pp., 32.50 + P&H. Detailed exegesis, apologetics (defense of the faith), presentation of Sound Doctrine firmly documented, answering many difficult issues in Scripture.

- Alleged Discrepancies of the Bible (1902) Bates, 132pp., pb., 12.00 + P&H.

- What Baptists Believe: The New Hampshire Confession: An Exposition (1913) O.C.S. Wallace, D.D., LL.D., 208pp., & What Baptists Believe and Why They Believe It (1925) J.G. Bow, D.D., 48pp., in 1 pb. c.260pp., 17.50 + P&H.

- The United States: A Christian Nation (1905) Associate Supreme Court Justice, David J. Brewer, 127pp., notes by RAB, 190pp. total, 6x9 pb., 16.50 + P&H.

- General Principles of Constitutional Law (1891) Judge Thomas Cooley, 390pp., pb., 24.00 + P&H. [This is a reprint of a classical legal text written by Judge Thomas M. Cooley in 1891 (2nd Edition). As the author of other legal texts, and a Justice of the Michigan Supreme Court, Cooley has become one of the most frequently cited authorities in American law. Topics covered include: 1. Legal Definitions. 2. The Rise of the American Union. 3. The Distribution of Powers. 4. Powers of Congress. 5. Powers of the President. 6. The Judicial Department. 7. Checks and Balances. 8. Constitutional Rules of State Comity. 9. The Guarantee of Republican Government. 10. Guarantee of Civil and Political Rights. 11. Protection to Persons Accused of Crime. 12. Protections to Contracts and Property. The text as been reset in modern type for easy reading. Has a table of cases and topical index to aid in research.]

- The American Constitution as it Protects Private Rights (1923) Frederick Jesup Stimson, 239pp., pb., 18.00 + P&H.  In its introduction he states, "On its human half—the Bill of Rights contained in the first ten amendments and its other sweeping restrictions on Congress, State governments, and the Executive—that is exactly what the Constitution is for. Its very object is, not to protect our liberty against foreign aggression—for that was secured—but to secure our liberties, our people’s, yes, each person’s —against the powerful central government they were about to establish; and even, in essential matters, against the new State governments as well."

- Foxe’s Christian Heroes and Martyrs of the World, a.k.a. Foxe’s Book of Martyrs: Being a History of the Persecution of the Protestants from the first century onward, by John Foxe and other Eminent Authorities, abbreviated edition, Newly Revised and Updated (1907) [originally published as “The Acts and Monuments of the Church Containing the History and Sufferings of the Martyrs” in 1564 in 1,800 pages by John Foxe] 60 full-page illustrations + Memoir of the author from an earlier edition by Walter Scott Publ. Co.; c.620pp., 6x9, quality pb., 24.00 + P&H.

- Our Bible and the Ancient Manuscripts: A History of The Text and It’s Translations (1895) Sir F. Kenyon, 255pp., + 50pp. photos, 20.00 + P&H. Former head of British Museum

- The History of The Reformed Church, Dutch; The Reformed Church, German and The Moravian Church in The United States (1895) Corwin/Dubbs/Hamilton, 548pp., pb., 22.50 + P&H. the Reformed Church was separate from the Lutheran, the work of Swiss Reformer Zwingli, later refined by Calvin.

- Historical Collections Relating to Remarkable Periods of the Success of the Gospel / Historical Collections of Accounts of Revival (1754/revised 1845, ed. updated by Horatius Bonar), Gillies, pb., 8.5x11, 616pp., 35.00 + 8.00 P&H. The print was small and the book 7x10 so I expanded to 8.5x11 and was able to enlarge the print 19%. This is a huge book and weighs nearly 4 lbs.

- Stories of Great Revivals with Contributions on Revival Work (1906) Henry Johnson, Canon Aitken, F.B. Meyer, Stuart Holden, Gipsy Smith; c.420pp., pb., 2500 + P&H. Chapters: Evangelical Revival of 18th Century England; Evangelical Revival of 18th Century Scotland; Evangelical Revival of 18th Century Wales; Evangelical Revival of 18th Century Ireland; Awakenings of 1858-1862 England, of 1858-1862 Scotland, of 1858-1862 Wales, of 1858-1862 North of Ireland; Work of Moody & Sankey 1873 - 1875; 1881-1884; Revival in Wales, 1904-1905; Torry-Alexander Mission, 1903-1905.

- The Canon of the Old and New Testaments Ascertained, or the Bible Complete without the Apocrypha and Unwritten Traditions (1851) Archibald Alexander, D.D., 359pp., 6x9 pb., 22.00 + P&H. (original print was small, but the book was under normal size, so I expanded to 6x9 and was able to enlarge the print 28% to normal size print; about 12 point Times New Roman equivalent)

- The Liberty Document: The National Debt: Does It Exist & If So Who Owes It? & Some Thoughts On The Hidden Agenda Behind Immigration, Gun Control & The Health sCARE Monopoly; Balaicius, Full of statistics, common law citations, court rulings, clear thought, powerful information; 350pp., pb., 20.00 + P&H. Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.

- Gists From Agassiz: or Passages on the Intelligence Working in Nature - Together with Agassiz’s Essay on Evolution and Permanence of Type [published posthumously 1874] Louis Agassiz, Swiss-American scientist, professor, 115pp., pb., 11.50 + P&H.

- Essays on The Death Penalty (1963) edited by T. Robert Ingram (with essays by leading Christian thinkers of the day: C.S. Lewis, E.L.H. Taylor, G. Aiken Taylor, T. Robert Ingram, Jacob J. Vellenga, W. A. Barnett, Gervas A. Carey) 138pp., (+ 20pp. of biographical info, photos
of authors, and a page or two of additional notes) pb., 14.00 + P&H.

- The History of the Anglo-Saxons (1841) Sharon Turner ( he was a London attorney) complete set
in 2 volumes, 1,284pp., 6x9 quality paperback; pb., 80.00 + P&H; Excellent Book! the classic/definitive work on topic. MONUMENTAL

- Tainted Contacts Being a Compilation of Facts of the Personnel and Activities of the Federal Council of Churches of Christ in America (1931) 112pp., comb-bound, 11.00 + P&H. WILL PRINT IN Paperback if there is enough interest: inquire

- The Fraudulent Gospel, Smith, 168p., pb., 20.00 + P&H.  Exposes World Council of Churches with ties to communism, catholic church, terrorism, etc.

- The “Dick” Bill and Comments - H.R. 11,654 - “A Bill to Promote the Efficiency of the Militia and for Other Purposes” - To Supersede the Archaic Militia Laws of 1792 (1902) 30pp., 3.50 + P&H. Un-repealable Bill; gun rights cannot be abrogated; militia not the military, comprised of all able-bodied men 18-45.

- This is a Republic, not a democracy! Let’s keep it that way (1965) Langford, 39pp., 5.00 + P&H.

- The Tenure of Kings and Magistrates: A Thesis presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of Yale University in Candidacy for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (1649) John Milton, Edited with Introduction and Notes by William Talbot Allison, B.D., Ph.D. (1911) 245pp., pb., 18.00 + P&H.

Vindiciae Contra Tyrannos, a Defence of Liberty Against Tyrants, Or, of the Lawful Power of the Prince Over the People, and of the People Over the Prince (1579 Latin; 1689 English transl.; 1924 ed. modern type-face w/ hist. intro. by Laski) “Stephanus Junius Brutus,” pen name for Huguenot Reformer Hubert Languet; 229pp., original + Modern Publisher’s 18-page illustr. Hist. Intro. & Note Concerning author of 1924 Historical Intro., by R.A.B., pb., 18.00 + P&H.


Important Titles for Christendom


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