— Titles Now Available — (and others coming soon)

“I Cried, He Answered” — A Faithful Record of Remarkable Answers to Prayer (1918), compiled and edited by Henry W. Adams, Norman H. Camp, William Norton, and F.A. Steven, with an Introduction by Charles Gallaudet Trumbull; 128pp., original print was very small, so enlarged it 22% and made into 6x9 pb., 288pp., 14.50 + P&H. [READY]

Selections from the Latter Testimonies and Dying Words of Saints and Sinners: Being the Closing Expressions of Nearly Seventeen Hundred Persons, Believers and Unbelievers

Selections from the Latter Testimonies and Dying Words of Saints and Sinners: Being the Closing Expressions of Nearly Seventeen Hundred Persons, Believers and Unbelievers

(1898; 1900 edition)

compiled by Amos Haverstick Gottschall,

Mini Sermonette Lite

God will get serious with keeping His Promises and delivering us when we get serious in seeking Him, repenting, and obeying.  

“13And ye shall seek Me, and find Me, when ye shall search for Me with all your heart.  14And I will be found of you, saith the LORD...” (Jeremiah 29)

Medium-sized Posters

Medium-sized Posters

all are full color and illustrated on glossy thick poster paper; 8.00 P&H (within the U.S.) shipping in a protective mailing tube.

Up to 10 can ship together for $8.00 total in 1 tube (or they can also ship with the large posters).