The Karl Gustav Nieritz Library / Emily Sarah Holt Library / William Herchenbach Library (Updated May 11 2023 - New Titles Now Available)

The Karl Gustav Nieritz Library

Volumes 1 through 12 are now available (each volume contains on average 3 different books by Nieritz)....  Please at least order the first volume and see how wonderful these books are.

(Poster / Chart) Coordinated Chronology of the Reformers

Without the Reformers there would have been no American Revolution and we would all be Catholics on the Papal Plantation and in ignorance concerning the Word of God and Salvation.  The Reformers are our greatest heroes.  However, because the majority of "Christians" are utterly ignorant concerning the Reformers and the History and Doctrine of the Reformation, Christendom has fallen.  There is on

Reformation Collection, Volumes 1 through 5

- Reformation Collection #1: Heroes of the Reformation (c.1900) F.G. Llewellin, 120pp., (Wycliffe, Luther, Calvin, Tyndale, Latimer, Cranmer); The Tudor Sovereigns and the Reformation (c.1938) F G Llewellin, 138pp.; Protestant Martyrs Under Mary Tudor: Lives and Memorials (1956) Protestant Truth Society, 120pp.; plastic comb-bound, 428pp., 22.00 + P&H.